Your home is the reflection of you and tells your story. Living rooms are the ones that will attend your guests. It’s the one space that connects your entire home. It should be warm, welcoming, trendy and reflects you. While decorating the living room, the options available, are limitless. But the metal wall art, hangings, and photos, that you choose, must blend well with the décor and setting of furniture. It is no easy task to put together the pieces to adorn your house. Sometimes you love the art piece but it doesn’t go with the theme or the color of the living room. Sometimes it matches everything but doesn’t have any awe factor. So whatever is the style of your living room, you can always choose to go for art works to pull your space together and give it a grandeur feel. The dose of art is always necessary for one's space to enhance your home's setting. Here we are going to give you the perfect reasons for adding art to your living rooms:
- Art is a great ice breaker. To start a conversation, you don't need to brainstorm for ideas, just look around to get inspiration and discuss what you think and feel about the certain metal wall art work. It only gives you the beginning conversation but also tells you about the person you are having the conversation with. It lets you understand their ideologies and perspectives.
- Every living room must have a character to it. It speaks volumes about you and your house. And adding an art piece to your living area is like giving it the perfect finishing touch. Depending on colors, textures, patterns, personality, and definition, art can change the complete setting of the room. It can give your living room a contemporary look or a classic look or a rustic look or an English look or maybe a fusion look. With art, possibilities are unlimited.
- It reflects your personality. It tells whether you are a fun-loving person or an introvert or an animal lover or an adventurous person. So while choosing your art pieces, get something that you relate to, instead of getting any pretty or expensive one.
- It allows experimentation. One can mix and match in N possible ways in contrast with the furniture or wall colors or rugs or cushions. This versatile medium gives you the freedom to go for any type, color, media, or combinations to create stories for your living room.
With the unlimited variety available, it is difficult to choose the right piece to adorn your space with art. So if you're getting confused and are stuck, we are providing you 5 tips which will help you choose the right art work for your living room:
- Splashes Of Color:
Colors are eye-catching and are the first thing that draws our attention to an art piece. While choosing an art work, people often get caught up in colors as they want to match it with the décor. It is good if you find something that matches your living room but sometimes going opposite works way better. For example, let's say your living room is all black, white and grey, so choosing an art work that is full of lively colors will add life to your living room. Choosing an art work in complete opposite colors is way more eye-catching and is more highlighted.
2. Size Matters:
The size of an art piece is the one area where people mostly fail. Remember while buying an art work, it should be big enough to be visible but small enough to complement the surroundings and not overpowering it. Depending on the place where your art piece will go, size varies. If you want to place it over a sofa or bed, it should be around or larger than 2/3rd of the sofa’s width. You can also try 3 to 4 smaller pieces to complete one frame of art. If you want to hang a particular painting that is too small, hang it after framing it to gain its impact.
3. Try Contrasting:
Contrast is a big part of Art; it never fails to amaze its viewers. It helps your room to create excitement with the choices of contrast art selection. Try a combination of different era’s art works with a modern contemporary art piece. Start with simpler experiments, so that you don’t go wrong with contrasting and give your living room, a robust look. If you want your modern piece to be the focal point, add more traditional pieces along with it. And if you want to make antiques your focal point, place it in a contemporary setup. This kind of setup of mix matches of old and new art works perfectly complements each other and work in unexpected ways. You can try mixing themes and colors too.
4. Search A Little More:

We often feel lazy to search for better when we find something relevant. But with art, you must never settle for less. As it can bring life to your living rooms, it can also turn it into a disaster. Align the artwork with space before going for a hunt. Before settling, you can always look for more option and if you don't get any better, you know that you've got the best for your space. Many options of metal wall art and décor are available in the market to choose from. And for once you can be as choosy as possible.
5. Buy What You Connects To:
No matter whether it's cheap or expensive, original or copied, buy those that you love and connect to. It must make you feel like home. When you come home after a tiring day, you want to sit in peace and look around at things that define you, motivate you and make you feel happy. Art is all about soothing your soul. If it doesn’t speak to you in a way it should, then it should not have a place in your home.
You can get as expensive and as cheap art works as you want, but it must complement, accentuate, soothe and add a character to your living room. Have a fun experience creating your living space with a sense of style, individuality, and comfort of home.